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How to create a logo & branding questionnaire (Templates included)

Projects that are preferred by graphic designers are the ones that relate to the design of a logo. Having such a project can be a bit of a challenge especially for new graphic designers so one of the best ways to proceed with it is by creating a branding questionnaire.

Creating a brand identity is most of the times, unfortunately, the last thing a company is going to spend their money on because it can’t be measured in the marketing efforts. However, this aspect should really be an important topic for any brand that is trying to start out there.

The question is now how a company knows that it has a solid brand identity that is going to create a relationship with their customer and generate loyalty. Here is what we thought are the most important aspects that you should know.

First thing’s first, what is a brand?

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branding-700x525 How to create a logo & branding questionnaire (Templates included)

Creating the identity of a brand isn’t a simple thing to do. Great brand identities need to be thought very good in terms of prospect loyalty, customer retention and the competitive advantage that needs to be signaled.

This is why in any such project having a branding questionnaire is so important to figure out all the details of a business. As any designer knows, the brand name is more than a brand name. Forbes has a great suggestion stating that a brand is basically everything that will differentiate you from competitors in terms of feelings and benefits that the brand is going to be associated with.

Your brand is also more than the visual elements that you see, it’s not just some colors or fonts. The Brand identity will make you think about things like communication strategy, tone of voice, values and any other non-visual considerations.

How to Create a Powerful Brand Identity

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A branding questionnaire that is created specifically can help a designer figure out a lot of details. Maybe somebody needs a logo, then for sure, you need to ask logo design questions that are related to what the person needs. Making a powerful brand identity is about being very specific.

So, if you are a designer and want to deliver better work for sure you need to consider the idea of creating a branding questionnaire for clients. This will help you a lot with your work.

Just check out these tips that will make you understand even better the steps that you need to do in order to get a better branding identity from both the designer perspective and the person in need.

What is a brand questionnaire?

A brand questionnaire is basically a set of predefined questions that guide a project no matter if we are talking about a new business or rebranding. They are used by graphic designers, web designers and any freelancer that is connected with the branding or marketing zone. This is done for sure in order to understand better the client needs before the actual work starts.

What a branding questionnaire does is that it helps both the designer and the employer understand better the business and the way that they want to communicate the brand to the outside world. Typically, the longer they are the better it is going to be but this is not a rule. What is important is the quality of the questions and the information that is retrieved by them.

Branding and Logo questionnaire

Some questions can differ from client to client when you are sending the questionnaire. Even though there is going to be a high number of them it is always important that all of them get answered.

Why should I send a branding questionnaire to my clients?

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Creating a brand identity that goes hand in hand with your client’s expectations is important so making your own brand questionnaire can help you see the vision that your employer has. This will help you save time and avoid repetitive work especially if you could have figured it out from the start.

This means that you will not work as a blind man and will know from the start what is going to be expected from you.

What to include in a brand and logo questionnaire?

Start with Questions About the Company



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When you are creating your branding questionnaire it is best to focus on information that is relevant for the project. Some examples of questions that you can use are:

  • What is the name of your company?
  • When did your company got launched?
  • How big is your company?
  • What are the services/products your company is offering?
  • What are the goals/mission of your company?
  • Why do you want to have a new logo? ( If the client already has one)
  • What do you want your new logo to do? ( It helps to understand better the vision)
  • Who are the main competitors? Having clients and providing links will allow you to get a better feel for the market and the competition.
  • Why is your product/service different from your competitors?
  • What is your ideal client?

Move on to Questions About Customers

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Another cool thing that you can do in your branding questionnaire is to build a successful logo for the customer. This is helpful because the more you know about your client’s customer, the easier it is for you to create the logo that he needs. This is important if your client has big expectations.

Here are some questions that you can use in your branding questionnaire for clients:

  • Who is the targeted audience?
  • What is the buyer persona of your targeted audience?
  • What is the age group that your audience represents?
  • Is your audience primarily male or female?
  • Where does your audience live?
  • What is the average income of your audience?

Project and logo Related Questions

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Many clients find it quite easy to evaluate their logo design from the perspective of a customer. If this is the case you should draw the focus towards the customer viewpoint.

  • What is the tagline? If you already have one, where should it be in the logo?
  • Do you have any specific imagery in mind for your logo?
  • Do you prefer any colors or have existing ones?
  • Do you have any colors that you want to avoid?
  • What benefit of your business do you want the logo to reflect?
  • Do you have a particular font that you would like to use?
  • What words describe best your logo?
  • What message or emotion do you want your logo to show?
  • Does your logo have a tag line?
  • Can your tag line appear with the logo on all of your brandings?
  • What logos do you prefer and why?
  • What feeling or message do you want your logo to give when people see it?
  • What type of typography do you want? For example: script, bold, light, handwritten type
  • Where are you going to use the logo?

Here are some practical branding questions

  • What is your budget for this?
  • Do you also need any other design services besides the new logo?
  • Is there anything else that I should know?

The best way to finish your branding questionnaire is by using questions that relate to any restrictions or deadlines that your client has. If you don’t do this all of your work might be pointless and not get approved.

Brand and logo questionnaire Templates

No matter if you are just a freelancer that is starting out in the graphic design world or a designer with experience having a branding questionnaire template that you can use is great so here are a few examples.

Branding Questionnaire

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This template has questions that can help with clients and go into goals and objectives. This branding questionnaire allows you also to add more questions if you would like to do so.

Branding Questionnaire Template

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Create a guideline for marketing brand identity or rebranding using this template.

Brand Logo Usage Guidelines A3 Poster – Free Template for Download

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A simple template to use when you want to have your own graphic design client questionnaire.

Logo Design Questionnaire

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logo-questionairre-700x688 How to create a logo & branding questionnaire (Templates included)

Another cool branding questionnaire for your clients that has the right questions that you need to ask before you are starting any kind of design project.

Logo Design Questionnaire


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This template has some basic branding questions which any designer should ask before he starts his work in a project.

Branding Questionnaire – Canva

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This branding questionnaire helps bot the client and the graphic designer because it helps them visualize and understand better what is going to be the final goal.

In conclusion, as you can see there are a lot of branding questionnaire principles that you should pay attention to when you are creating your own. No matter which ones you are going to use the best way to go towards it is by making sure that your questionnaire is going to help in understanding the client’s needs better so that you both save time and energy.

If you enjoyed reading this article about a branding questionnaire, you should read these as well:

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