When you are creating a brand, an effective logotype or logomark is an important part of the process.
Some companies, such as Apple, use a symbol or icon, called a logo mark to help identify their brand. Other companies, such as Coca Cola, use lettering or a logotype design.
What is the real difference between a logotype vs logomark, and why is this difference important?
What is a logo?
Companies choose.a logo to help them identify their brand.
A logo is often relevant to the brand. Think of the iconic Apple logo. Other times, a logo represents the message behind a brand. The Nike swoosh represents speed and athletic power or finesse. It is easy to reproduce and simple enough to work in responsive designs.
How a logo is designed depends on the purpose behind the brand and the message conveyed. Let’s have a look at three different types of logos and how they are used as a part of a marketing campaign.
Here are three different types of logos. We’ll also show you how they have been incorporated by big brands with excellent results.
What is the difference between a logotype and a logomark?
A logotype refers to words or name of a business which has been incorporated into a logo. Google, Pinterest and Coca-Cola are examples of a logotype.
A logomark is a symbol which is used to help viewers identify a brand. Apple, Nike and Adidas all use easily identifiable symbols.
When people think of logo design, they are often referring to the name of a brand rather than the symbol.
Logotypes are often created from a specific and easily identifiable font which sends a message about a company.
Sometimes shapes are incorporated into a logotype design in order to create a visual impact.
A logotype logo design often makes use of specific colors or white space. This helps to identify the brand.
A logo type is clean and easily identifiable. Brands don’t need to use an icon with a clear logotype.
Instead, it is the letters themselves which became symbolic.
Logotypes include Monograms such as CK, or names such as The New York Times.
Logotypes have become successful internationally and often represent the work of some of the very best designers.
Some thoughts on using a logotype
A logotype will immediately connect a viewer to a brand name. This is excellent for a new company.
On the other hand, a logo might not tell a viewer what a brand actually has to offer.
Sometimes logotypes can seem quite conservative. This is great for professional businesses like law firms. It might be more problematic for lighthearted companies.
Why choose to use a logotype design?
As a new business, you want people to get to know your name.
Your name is short and easy to convert into a logo design.
You would like to use your name as a brand. And would like your clients to easily identify you.
Logotypes can be very successful and have been used by international brands such as Disney, Facebook, and Skype. These top brands are great logotype examples.
Why a logotype may not be right for your business
Your company name may be too long. This will make your logo appear cramped.
You may have to iodate your logo as font trends change. Even well known international brands have had to make adjustments to their logotypes as trends change and evolve.
Creating a logotype design
When creating logotype logos, there are some important steps to follow.
Create your logo in Vector format. This means using programs such as Illustrator and not Photoshop.
A vector program will slow you to adjust the size of your logo without losing quality.
Design your logo so that it can be reproduced in a single color format without losing quality or impact. Imagine how your logo would look in a newspaper.
Keep your logo responsive. It will need to be effective in a range of different sizes.
Ensure your logo is easily legible when scaled down.
Key to a limited color palette. This will keep your design simple and easily identifiable.
Specify your corporate colors. This will keep your logotype design consistent no matter how many times it is printed.
Modifying your logotype
Should you wish to modify your logotype:
Strokes: modify diagonal aspects of your letters. You can add a stroke or flourish, hooks or beaks to your letters. You can also adjust your serif style to create impact.
Kerning means adjusting the spaces between your letters for a visually pleasing result. This will keep your logotype aesthetically pleasing.
Leading means adjusting the space between lines to improve the aesthetic. appearance of your logotype design.
Ligatures join two or more letters together. This will help to create a unique look for your logotype, setting it apart and making it easily identifiable to viewers.
Logomark designs
Some people will tell you that a logo mark is iconic. It is somewhat more abstract than a logotype. A Logomark often stands alone.
Think of the iconic Apple logo which helps to immediately identify the brand.
Should you use a logomark design?
A logo mark design will come to represent your brand.
As a business owner, it is worth deciding whether you need both a logotype and a logomark design.
Assess your budget. As a small businesss you might benefit by creating a logomark design first and then adding an iconic image once your business has begun to develop.
If you have the budget for a logomark, it will help you to enhance your brand identity.
You can design your logo to send a message about your brand.
Logomarks are often visual or presentations of the product, service or meaning behind a brand.
Why select a logomark?
Unlike a logotype design, a logomark will send a visual about your company. Viewers will be able to gain information about your service or product.
Logomarks are often very abstract and easily identifiable. This means clients will immediately identify your brand from your logomark.
Established brands such as Facebook and Apple use a logomark to help clients instantly identify their products.
Why avoid using a logomark
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As a new company, a logomark might seem too abstract. Your viewers won’t recognize your brand. It may be better to use a logotype design first until clients know your name.
To summarize, your logomark will create a visual representation of your brand. It can be used on all branding material and merchandise. Your logomark design will be easily identifiable to clients.
Tips for creating an effective logomark design
Logo mark designs can be highly effective, as we see from the Apple logo or Nike swoosh. However, others fade away quickly. Here are some elements to ensure an effective logomark design.
Uniqueness: the most effective logos represent a unique quality about a brand and come to stand for this meaning.
Meaning: a logo tells a story about a brand. The popular Adidas logo represents the ability to conquer mountains and overcome challenges.
Memorable: your logo is there to help your clients identify your brand. It needs to be memorable enough to identify your brand as well as the experience or value it offers.
Flexible: your logo needs to be easy to reproduce as well as look great in many different sizes. It will also need to be effective in black and white.
A logomark can be a very creative and easily recognizable visual message for a company.
However, because it does not include a name, customers may not immediately associate it with your brand.
A logomark is, therefore, most appropriate for brands who already have.a reputation within the industry.
Summary: a logomark is a stand-alone iconic logo which helps to identify a brand.
Combination Mark
A combination mark combines both logotype and logomark. This will give you the ability to represent your brand with a visual icon while allowing customers to link your icon to the name of your brand. A combination mark is a perfect choice for a new business.
You can combine both logomark and logotype into a single brand identity as Starbucks do, or use each separately as MacDonalds does.
An integrated logo will present a very strong brand identity. However, when each is used separately your options will be very flexible. Used separately, you can always drop your logomark when your brand becomes more established.
Why choose a combination mark logo?
Name and icon combine to create an easily identifiable story about your brand.
You will be able to use either your brand name or your symbol.
Both elements of a combination mark design can be used either in combination or separately to create flexibility within your marketing campaigns.
A combination mark logo is a perfect option for a new business.
Ending thoughts on the logotype vs logomark discussion
There are many different ways of identifying your brand. International companies like Coco Cola price that you don’t always need an iconic logo. A logotype design can be very effective.
By keeping your logo consistent you will help your customers to identify your brand. A simple, clear and responsive logo will help your company achieve its branding goals.
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The post Logomark Vs Logotype: Understanding the Difference appeared first on Design your way.